Gabriel's talent for photography blossomed by having learned the craft from his father, who worked...
Rami's life took a drastic turn when his father passed away, leaving him as the...
Tarek, a war victim from Homs, endured a cruel eight-year mandatory military service. His life...
Toni, married to Maram, surrendered nine years to mandatory military service, missing the chance to...
Johnny's life has been a relentless struggle since his earliest years. At just 2 years...
Michel's journey bears the weight of war's cruel toll. Once bustling with dreams, his path...
Thaer’s work life began in his village of Basir, where he worked the land and...
Eleia Al-Khouri, 38, is married to Tareiz Zakhem, and they live with their newborn daughter,...
Raghad Makhoul's life had been a series of challenges, his father's absence loomed large over...
Amer's life took unexpected turns as he grew older and struggled to make ends meet...
Rezq Allah Al-Hareth is part of a close-knit family, living in an old, modest house...