Earthquake Response
Emergency Immediate Response: Distribution of Mattresses For Shelters

February 2023

The CHC team distributed essential items to the shelters, including 1200 mattresses during the first week in Aleppo which were provided by Caritas Poland. Initially, the Christian shelters in Aleppo were unprepared to handle the situation due to a lack of necessary requirements. However, after distribution efforts, most Christian shelters in Aleppo are now equipped with an adequate number of mattresses and blankets for future emergencies.In times of despair, it is of utmost importance to cling to hope, as it is CHC's esteemed belief and the driving force that allowed it to persist with determination towards the course of recovery and helping to ease the suffering of people who had already endured so much."The most important thing is the humanitarian aspect of this tragedy: ensuring people who have been displaced have the basic human necessities."

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